Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Anyone else feel overwhelmed & overworked?!?

This is THE #1 thing I hear from women.

So how do you stop that?

Here are 8 tips!!

1. Stop worrying about the future and be the present.

Being "in the moment" doesn’t mean we don't look ahead and make plans to pursue our goals and dreams. There are certainly things we need to do every day, but much of what we think we need to do isn't particularly important--especially where our long-term goals are concerned.

That's why we should...

2. Ask, "Is this really necessary?"

Do I really need to de clutter the pantry right now?

Do you need to have that meeting?

Do you need to fold that load of laundry?

Do you need to respond to that email?

In many cases we don't, but we do anyway simply because that's what we’ve always done.

Eliminate as many "nice to do" tasks as possible--not only will we have more time, we’ll also have more time to be effective where it really matters.

3. Push reset on your calendar.

Sometimes the answer to "Is this really necessary?" is "Yes, but not right now."

What is the most important thing you need to do today?

What tasks will keep you from getting that done?

If we focus on the top 3 things we need to do daily, we will be closer to feeling accomplished while being less overwhelmed.

The same is true if something important pops up: Immediately reset your calendar and reprioritize. Getting stuff done is fine, but getting the right stuff done is what really matters.

4. Understand how you work best.

We all work differently.

Some like to hit the ground running.

Others like to start the day by reflecting, meditating, and thinking.

Some like to work into the night.

The key is to understand not just how you like to work but also how you work best.

You might like to work late at night, but if you're tired or frazzled by a long day, you won't perform at your best.

Do some experiments to figure out what works best for you. While you won't always be able to stick to your plan, you will always have a plan to return to. And don’t forget to turn off notifications - distractions prevent us from being productive.

5. Schedule the most important tasks first.

What are your priorities for the month?

The week? Today?

Determine what they are and do those things first.

Why would we work on less important tasks when the truly important items are where we create the most value--whether for our business or our life?

6. Give yourself downtime.

Giving yourself down time is key to making smart decisions.

Research shows people tend to make their best decisions when they have an opportunity to review the data & facts and then focus their thought on something else for a while.

How? Take a walk. Do a mindless chore. Exercise. Do something where our body goes on autopilot and our mind does too.

We’ll be surprised by the solutions we can dream up when we aren't purposely trying to be creative.

7. Set boundaries.

No one can or should be on 24/7.

Yet we probably feel we are--because we allow ourselves to be.

We must set some boundaries: the time we’ll stop working, certain times we’ll do things with our family, certain times we won't take calls, etc.

Then let people know those boundaries.

Other people won't respect our time unless WE respect our time first.

8. Be strategic with "yes" and "no."

You can't say yes to everything. (Well, you can, but you won't get everything you say yes to done--so in effect you're still saying no.)

Sometimes you simply need to say no. Other times you can say, "No, unless..." and add stipulations. The same is true with yes: Saying, "Yes, but only if..." creates guidelines.

Always consider the effect of a request on your most important goals. An automatic yes also automatically takes time away from what you need to get done.

And here’s a bonus for all my leaders out there:

Remember your impact on other people.

If you're a leader--and if you run a business, you definitely are--you naturally impact other people.

You set a direction.

You set a standard.

You're a role model.

Be a great role model: a person who gets important tasks done, who stays on point, who focuses on achieving goals and dreams, who has a huge vision for where they’re going ... and who helps other people achieve their goals and dreams too.

That's reason enough to manage your time so you're consistently at your best.

Be sure to send this to a friend who needs to read it.



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