Virtual Gym


How It Works

We will be doing various at-home workouts, including yoga for beginners. I will help you choose one that's best for you right now in this stage of your journey. You can stream the workouts anywhere you can get the internet (even on your phone at the gym). It's like having a trainer in your living room.

What’s Included

  • 1-year subscription to streamable workouts, including 20 minute workouts and yoga for beginners

  • 30-day supply of your superfoods (which I drink everyday and love!)

  • Nutrition resources and and meal plans

  • Workout calendars

  • Free T-shirt for completing any program

  • Membership to our Virtual Gym with other women also working towards their goals - together you’ll share your successes and struggles

Then you get me as your coach for life. I’ll help you make a meal plan that works for you, keep you accountable, and check in with you regularly.


The Results


Meet Tiffany

This stay-at-home mom lost 80 pounds and got back to her pre-pregnancy weight with out 21-day fitness programs and superfoods shakes.


Meet Zina

Yo-yo dieting and lack of confidence kept Zina from becoming the healthy, fit woman she wanted to become. Then she found our virtual gym and lost 76 pounds in 1 year.


Meet Tonya

This busy mom of 5 kids lost a total of 69 pounds, quit smoking, and plans to run a 5K.

Even as a group fitness instructor, there were many things about traditional gym memberships that were frustrating and maybe you can identify with some of them:

  • Maybe you don’t know where to start and you walk around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do

  • May you don’t know how to use the machines

  • It can be crowded and you might spend more time waiting for the machine than actually working out

  • You have to commute to get there and spend almost as much time driving as you do working out once you get there

Even if you take a class with more structure, you won’t get that nutritional support or ongoing community outside of the gym. And if you don’t show up, nobody is checking in to see why you dropped off.

What Makes Us Different

When you join our virtual gym, you’ll spend 20 - 30 minutes a day with me and our amazing group of ladies. I will provide you with a plan that is guaranteed to give you results in the shortest amount of time, right from the comfort of your home. You’ll avoid all the usual gym frustrations and enjoy a different workout everyday. Plus, I’ll be there to keep you motivated, provide nutritional support, and hold you accountable.


Girl, the question is never do you have enough time? The question is, how are you using the time you have?
— Rachel Hollis
“I have gained back my confidence. I’m stronger, feel better than ever, and have more energy! I’m pumped!”
— Tiffany
“It was so much more than just a weight loss transformation; it was a mental transformation as well. These programs taught me patience, drive, and to never give up on myself.”
— Zina
“I am no longer tired or feel sick. I have the energy to actually play outside with my children. I’m no longer winded going up the stairs. I no longer smoke cigarettes for stress relief; exercise has replaced that. We eat healthier as a family now.”
— Tonya

If you would like more info about our Virtual Gym or Nutrition Programs, please reach out. We can chat about your goals and see if this would be a good fit for you.