Who I Am


I’m Sarah Barker, the CEO and founder of The Healthy Home Revolution, an online community designed to support, encourage, and empower other busy moms!

My Background and Training

I've been married to my wonderful husband, John, for eleven years and we have two beautiful kids, Owen and Nina. We currently live in Webster, NY a suburb of Rochester, but we’ve moved five times in the last eleven years due to John’s job. I split my time as a stay-at-home mom and as an online health and fitness coach.

I’m a certified group fitness instructor and fitness nutrition specialist, and my goal is to help empower other moms to carve out time for self-care and find themselves again after motherhood. It’s such a crazy balancing game - mommying and adulting - and we so often fall at the bottom of the priority list.


My Journey

Four years ago, I was in a tough place:

  • I was struggling with finding my new identity as a mom of 2 beautiful babies and adjusting to my new post-baby body.

  • I was overwhelmed by life, often feeling anxious and depressed.

  • My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I was uncomfortable in my own skin.

  • I was chronically exhausted, too tired to even consider working out most days.

I was powering through life on caffeine and sugar and no matter how much I thought I knew about healthy eating and fitness, the weight just wouldn't come off.

Then one day I decided enough was enough. So despite being convinced that it wouldn’t work for me, I decided to try clean eating and an online accountability group with at-home workouts. That’s when everything started to come together. The physical transformation was incredible, but for me the emotional and spiritual transformation has been even the best part.

Not only have these changes made me feel sexy and comfortable in my own skin, they have helped me become a better mom and wife. They truly helped redefine who I am.

My Passion

I now want to empower and inspire other busy women, just like me, to feel this amazing too. I’m passionate about helping others learn how to start a healthier lifestyle and supporting them along their own journeys.

My motto is progress not perfection. Everyone has bad days every now and then, but I want to work with you to shake it off, and get right back on track. If you can identify with any part of my own journey and are looking for guidance and support with life, motherhood, or health and fitness, I’d love to work with you!