A flashback to who I was…

A flashback to who I was…

After Nina was born I was in a bad place...

  • I was always tired, felt insecure about my after-baby body, and uncomfortable in my own skin.

  • I was still wearing maternity clothes and going out to buy larger sizes because I didn't have anything in my closet that would fit me.

  • I would wear baggy clothes to cover up the parts of my body that I was self-conscious about, and hide behind my kids in all the photos.

It never matters what other people think, it matters what goes on inside your own head and how you feel about yourself, your own self-image.

Mine was not good and wanted to do something about it.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I made the decision to start the Healthy Home Revolution blogsite where I would chronicle my journey and share recipes along the way.

And after more than 18 months of me going at it on my own, losing 13 lbs along the way, I started hearing things about these 30-min at-home workouts.

I couldn't figure out what it was or why my friends were doing it.

So I started asking questions.

Next thing I knew, my husband and I were both doing drinking these amazing superfood shakes and I was determined to prove that these 30 min workouts would NOT work for me. #truestory #suchahater

In 1 round, I saw muscles and definition that I had never seen before in my body.

I felt amazing!

My energy levels were up, my digestive issues were gone, no more bloating, and I wasn't hungry.

I did another round and by the time I was done, I had lost a total of 12 lbs.


I had managed to lose 12 lbs in 2 months- it took me almost 18 months to lose the same amount doing it on my own.

What was the difference???

My coach and my Facebook accountability group. They made it so fun!

We were sharing tips, recipes, and cheering each other on.

We stayed plugged in each day and shared our wins for the day and our struggles as busy moms.

The accountability and support was such a special experience!

I made the decision to pay it forward and do the same for others.

If any of this sounds like you, or you are looking for a place to plug in, stay accountable and be supported to reach your health and fitness goals, then please send me a PM and we can chat.

This is a journey, but you are not alone.

We are in this together!



Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

New Year…Now what?

New Year…Now what?