Social Distancing

Social Distancing

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted on here.

What better time than now, after more than 1 month into stay at home orders during a pandemic.

So let’s chat about our Mental health right now. How are you doing?

I’ve definitely had a rollercoaster of emotions this last week. The days are busy juggling all that is going on between our emotions and our commitments to school and work. But I am so incredibly grateful to be safe and healthy at home.

With all that is going on in the world, its made me really thing about how I’m processing it all. Who do I want to be during COVID-19? Am I currently living in the fear, learning or growth zone? And where do I want to be?

The Fear Zone.

Where one is consumed by fear, anxiety and worry causing them to hoard food, transmit anger & fear to others, and complain all the time.

The Learning Zone.

Where one no longer consumes things that may add to the fear or cause harm, including food, news, or certain people on social media. It’s a space where one can let go of things that are out of our control and identify emotions. He/She is aware of the situation around him/her, verifies information before sharing it, and thinks about the best way to act. This is also where he/she stops judging others and acknowledges that everyone is doing their best.

The Growth Zone.

This is where one finds purpose in it all, using skills to serve others and thinking of ways to help. He/She shows empathy to self and others, shows gratitude daily, and lived in the present. One adapts to change, focuses on happiness, hope, patience, calmness, relationships and creativity.

So….which zone are you living in today? And who do you want to be? We don’t know how long we are going to be in this situation for, so we might as well make the most of it.

I am

I am

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression