Calling Busy Mamas

Calling Busy Mamas

So often we busy mamas are overwhelmed by juggling everything going on in our lives that we can’t possibly think about taking on 1 more thing.
You know, barely surviving and getting lots of help from coffee.
I know cause I WAS that mama.
I was struggling with taking care of 2 kids under 5, balancing being a good mom, good wife, keeping up with the house & laundry, and everything else in between.
And self-care?!?
That wasn’t even in my vocabulary.
I was so scared to add something else to my “list of things to do” and fearful that if I decided to wear another hat, I might let someone else down if I wasn’t able to succeed.
Or worse yet, I would let myself down. 
Aka #FearOfFailure
But something inside me wanted and needed something more.
And guess what?!?! 
I discovered that busy women really know how to multi-task and manage their time like no other. 
And Nina was home with me full-time when I started as a coach. 
I worked in power-pockets - 30 minutes while she napped, 15 minutes before they woke up in the morning, 30 minutes after the kiddos went to sleep - whatever worked for the age and stage of life we were in. 
And I quickly learned that this side gig is PERFECT for that mom who wants to be part of a community, something bigger than herself, and who has dreams for herself and her family!!

Friends, don’t sell yourself short.
Don’t say no to something without giving it a fair shot first.
Don’t let that fear of failure hold you back from taking a chance on something great.
It just may change your life.

Dream Big

Dream Big

Something More

Something More