Growth Mindset vs Limiting Beliefs

Growth Mindset vs Limiting Beliefs

“You never know if you can do something against all odds, until you ACTUALLY do it”
— Abby Wambach

So often, whether as kids or adults, we tell ourselves things that hold us back from success.

“I’m not _______ enough”
“I could never do ________”
“I’m too busy with _______ to do the things I need too.”
“I’m not as ______ as her”

Every single one.
They are limiting beliefs we tell ourselves to let us off the hook from pursuing that something special.
When in actuality, if we truly believed in ourselves and in   P O S S I B I L I T I E S  then 
NOTHING could stop us. 

So let’s use this community as a reminder: how are we talking to ourselves?
Are we limiting our own potential with the statements we repeat over & over in our head?
Or are we looking at life through an adundance mindset?  
We always have the choice to change our thoughts and change our life. 

Side Effects Are Self-Love and Confidence

Side Effects Are Self-Love and Confidence

Dream Big

Dream Big