Fighting Our Limiting Beliefs

Fighting Our Limiting Beliefs

I used to think I didn't have enough time...

But then I realized that it was actually fear of failing.

Fear that I was so busy & overwhelmed with life that I couldn't possibly add one more thing.

Fear that I was already so tired, there’s no way I could possibly have the energy to add in day workouts.

Fear that the nutrition plans would be too restrictive & I would have to give up my favorites.

Even if this "thing" was supposed to make me feel better in the long run.


One day, I just hit a wall and decided I would rather make a change than to stay feeling the way I was feeling.

I took that leap of faith, full of fear of failure, and I never looked back.

Have I failed? Yes, of throws curve balls and you can fall off course.But overall, there are far more victories than failures.

No journey is perfect. But we move forward everyday. #progressoverperfection

And I'm miles from where I started.

I've actually found I have MORE time in my day because I've got a new found energy and love of this life I've been given.

I'll never take a day on this earth for granted and will do everything in my power to be the healthiest and best version of me that I can be - for my kids, for my husband, for my family, for my friends, and for myself.💖


So Much Noise

So Much Noise

Side Effects Are Self-Love and Confidence

Side Effects Are Self-Love and Confidence