

“And I said to my body, softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’
It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”
— Nayyirah Waheed

I think back to who I was 4 years ago, and how much has changed in our lives. 
And I don’t just mean the kids getting older and living in a different city.
I mean the compounding affects of months and years of focusing on wellness- physical, mental, and spiritual. 
All because I said yes.

“Yes” to prioritizing self-care.

“Yes” to ME.

This journey has been AMAZING!!🌟
It has changed me to the core.

Before this journey, I was struggling with self-worth, crippling anxiety, and SAH mom depression.  
I was full of fear and self-doubt but determined to find an answer. 
And I'm so grateful I have!!  
Who knew it would come in the package of at-home workouts, virtual accountability groups, and superfood shakes?!?!  

It has made me a better mom, wife, friend, sister, and daughter.
It has brought me new friendships, helped me discover what it truly means to love ones-self, more self-confidence, and FREEDOM. 
And I want that for you too.
This is a gift that must be passed on!! 

It took me almost 39 years to get to the point where I am now...

To love and respect the one body I have been given by God, imperfections and all.  

It's a journey, some days are better than others, but I want to love myself and take great care of this vessel I've been blessed with.

If you’re ready, I'll show you the way and we can crush life together  
Talk soon! 

Something More

Something More

Stop Hiding and Start Living

Stop Hiding and Start Living